Biodegradable is certainly a hot Eco-buzzword now a day. Most
biodegradable plastics--excluding those made from potato starch--contain no
allergens and are safe for a topic consumers. On a whole biodegradable products
non-toxic. They are made from natural elements therefore contain no chemicals
to exude toxic and poisonous wastes while breaking down in compost. The natural
composition of the biopolymers is fully absorbed by the earth.
The process of biodegradation can be divided into three
stages: bio-deterioration, bio-fragmentation, and assimilation. Dwight Smith OnTray Media offers innovative 100% biodegradable beverage and food
carriers that can hold 4-color process printing.
We see biodegradable goods all over the place. Some examples
are given below:
- Biodegradable diapers.
- Biodegradable dishes made with potato, corn (PLA) or sugar.
- Biodegradable chip bags.
- Biodegradable toys.
- Biodegradable body care.
biodegradable really means?
First of all biodegradable is not the same as compostable.
Organic home gardeners know that there are products that easily degrade or
compost in a compost pile such as leftover veggies, newspaper, leaves, and egg
shells. Compost-friendly items are basically organic matter that easily breaks
down. A product that is truly biodegradable is simply a product that is capable
of decomposing at some point BUT needs help from biological agents such as
bacteria to do so. If a product is biodegradable and it’s not exposed to said
helpful agents it may not decompose.
What many people think biodegradable means?
Even the Biodegradable Products Institute notes that nothing
biodegrades in a landfill because nothing is supposed to. Furthermore the
Biodegradable Products Institute notes that “Uncontrolled biodegradation in a
landfill can cause ground water pollution, methane gas emissions and unstable
sub-soil conditions.” So, if you’re tossing that biodegradable plate you may be
causing a lot of harm without meaning.
Should you
skip biodegradable products?
With all the above in mind, biodegradable goods sound pretty
lame. However, there are a couple of major benefits. Unlike regular plastic,
bio-plastics aren’t made from non-renewable oil. Biodegradable products are
made from plants and also result in significant reductions in greenhouse gas
emissions due to their less taxing manufacturing process.